Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Video Review

I think the video is really interesting and I really liked it.
AL Gore presented it in a reasonable way and he used realistic evidences shows how global warming is really a serious issue. And I liked his jokes during the video.
The video effected on me and I even watched 2 times.
I think Al Gore is a great man because he have a really great goal. I wish he becomes heard and this global issue become heard and people start trying to solve this big global problem.


Desert Fox89 said...


Good response with clear organization and ideas. Looks good too!

Now, start the next carbon footprint assignment, as in my blogspot, because you're behind!

You are doing well, and seem to be understanding what we're aiming for in this project. Three more posts! Hurry up!

the Fox

Desert Fox89 said...


Your blog post looks good about 'Truth'- what about the guidelines and description of different possibilities for green cooling?

You need to write 'Carbon footprint' plus Cool cities - adaptations Now! and then work on other points. We'll talk in class.

the Fox

Naser said...

I will do it sir

thank you