Monday, May 26, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

People daily lifestyle produces a lot of pollution and specially carbon emissions. These emissions cause what is known carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is a representation of the result of human activities have on the climate in terms of the total amount of greenhouse gases produced. Each human has his own carbon footprint because each human produce an emission in a way or another. I did a test which measures my carbon foot print and I was really surprised. It appeared that my carbon footprint is 4.39 which is above the UK average.

This means that I am causing pollution as if we had 4.39 earths. I really should reduce my carbon footprint.

I have three main problems which resulted to my big foot print. The first and biggest problem is that I travel a lot by airplanes. Airplanes pollute the air because of the wasted gases by burning big amount of fuel. My second problem is that I drive a big car for hours and long distances. Cars also pollute the air just like airplanes because both of them burn fuels. The last problem is that I eat a lot of fish and meat and I rarely eat vegetables. This also results in pollution because of the transportation of fish and meat when distributing it and when producing in factories.

I really should start helping my planet and reduce my pollution. First I must reduce travelling by airplane. I can stay in country during vacations. In addition, I have to reduce driving car. I can stop some unnecessary trips and use public transportations instead. Also I have to eat less meat and try to eat more vegetables.

At the end, I think that maybe I am just one person and my carbon footprint is nothing in comparison with all the people footprint, but if I reduced my carbon footprint and every human started to do so, together we can make a big difference and save our planet from global warming. We should start doing something for the future of our children and next generations and the future of earth.

Here is a nice video about reducing carbon footprint :-

1 comment:

Knowledge is Power said...

You have such nice photes. but you have high consuming of things
