The video is a documentary video on Albert Algore’s campaign on global warming. Algore is trying to make the issue of global warming a recognized, serious problem worldwide.
Global warming is the result of the pollutants that increases the thickness of the thin atmosphere layer.
Normally, the sun waves enter the atmosphere around the earth causing it to heat. A part of the entered radiation radiates back outside the earth, but some of the radiation is trapped by the atmosphere layer. This is a good natural phenomenon because it keeps the earth’s temperature in the safe range.
The risk is when the pollutants thicken the atmosphere layer around the earth which consequently traps more radiation causing the increased temperature of the earth.
This ultimately causes many serious problems to the environment. The ice in the poles melts as a result of the increased temperature of the earth. Also many destructive hurricanes formed and some took place where they shouldn’t be. Additionally, the coral reefs which are the home of many creatures in the oceans are dying, just to mention few consequences.
Looks good, but you need to add a review (your opinion), now you need to work on your 'Carbon Footprint', maybe another post.
See you in class to finish your reading summary.
the Fox
Very interesting blog - but your Inconvenient Truth summary is OK and you need a movie review?- what about YOUR opinion of the moview??!I'd like to hear what you have to say...
You now have to do the carbon footprint blog- plus we start the Cool Cities part on Tuesday- lots to do in 2 weeks!
the Fox
Thanks for your comments sir
I really want to get an A in this course.
We are a little stressed because its the end of the semester and we are having reports and exams in other courses.
I will try my best,
thanks sir
Dear Naser,
Good work and keep going with the teacher's advice.
My regards,
Jassem Al Ali
Hi Naser,
thanks for all these useful information that provide us the effect of CO2.
Keep going....
My regards,
Mohamed Hasan
nice summary nasor keep it up with your opinion , naser would you please read mine at
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